Curse of the Perfectionist


I have moved from my trailer. I live in Canada where it is somewhat impractical to live without heat and insulation, although people do it. Some of you mentioned that you would like to see me post more about “trailer-life” and I am disappointed in myself for not taking pictures of my camping set-up and writing more about it. The truth is that I don’t like letting people see my projects until they’re perfect. And they never are because I’m a perfectionist. I don’t want to be like this. It prevents me from feeling proud of my projects and it limits my ability to respect the work other people do because I focus on the things they could have done better. I think this is the curse of the perfectionist; nothing you do is ever good enough for you. I just wish I could say “who the fuck cares.” I am planning to get over this and think that a good way to start might be to undertake a kind of exhibitionist project where I post pictures of my real life and my not-perfect-yet projects.

So here’s my house, not perfect.